Shimmy Shimmy Cocoa Pop


When Josh Baskin returned home after his "Big" adventure, he took more than he should, he took an exciting prototype toy from MacMillan Toys.  You are the competition and you want that prototype! His bedroom - that must be where he's hidden it.

Our 80s themed adventure is designed for kids of all ages

Can you find the toy and escape in 60 minutes?

Josh Baskin - do we remember him? This is the sequel....

He had an adventure working for Macmillan Toys, but he ended up back as a child again.  However, he took a toy with him.  Something Macmillan thinks will be a HUGE hit, the next BIG thing!

You are working the rivals, the baddies, the gangsters of the toy world - B.Z.  Toys.

You have an hour while Josh is out playing to find the toy!

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Shimmy Shimmy Cocoa Pop